Book Recommendations
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We were honored to interview Nancy Pearcey in episodes 38 and 39. Nancy has written extensively from a Biblical perspective, and has authored such books as Total Truth, and Love Thy Body. We are featuring Love Thy Body as our recommended book for June! In it, Nancy tackles some of the most difficult questions facing our society, today, and she does so with grace and truth.
Below is an ever-expanding list of some of our favorites books. You can click the book covers and you’ll be taken to them on Amazon, where you can choose to get the the physical copy, the Kindle version, or the Audible audiobook version, if available (one of our favorite ways to consume books!). These are all Amazon affiliate links, which means that if you purchase them, a small percentage will go to supporting the All of Life Show. The price is no different than if you bought the books directly on Amazon instead of using the affiliate links, so if you feel inclined to purchase one of them, we greatly appreciate it! If you’d prefer to purchase these through other vendors, we understand and we’re simply grateful to be able to share these resources with you.
In Unwanted, Jay Stringer flips the narrative of how Christians should approach sexual sin and temptation. Rather than falling victim to the shame that our brokenness comes with, we can press in to understand our brokenness in the light of God’s redemptive work, and actually see the pathway to freedom by examining our brokenness in the light of Jesus Christ.
Sacred Marriage is an excellent book on marriage, and it’s more than just practical principles as it gets down the God’s heart and design for your marriage. When our paradigm changes from a self-centered, self-seeking one, to one that seeks the heart of God in our marriage, we will see an opportunity for great transformation and healing.
When to Walk Away provides incredible wisdom and insight when dealing with toxic people. Gary Thomas provides superb biblical examples for how Jesus handled people whose only intention was to distract him from the ministry set before Him. Not all difficult people are toxic people, but if you find yourself running in circles trying to understand the chaos and confusion in a relationship or group, check out this book.
Christ-Centered Preaching is one of our favorite books on preaching. Even if you have no aspirations to preach a sermon, this book is chock-full of tools to help you understand the gospel further, and the power and importance we should place on it in our lives.
What is the Gospel is a very simple and easy to understand book on the Gospel. In just a few short pages it lays out the mistakes and misconceptions that people can make when they don’t have a firm grasp of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the central place it takes in the life of the Christian.
New Morning Mercies is one of our favorite devotionals. Paul Tripp has a way of reminding the reader each day to fix their eyes and hope on the finished work of Jesus Christ, and not to trust in their own works.
Emily P. Freeman’s book on making decisions has been very helpful to us. If you’re wondering what sort of framework a Christian can use to make decisions from a place of faith and trust, then you should check out her book. She also has a podcast by the same name, so you should check that out.
Relationships can be hard, and meaningful relationships can seem impossible at times. One thing is certain, meaningful relationship happen when we are intentional to grow them. If you’re wanting to learn how to grow your maturity and ministry as a believer, check out Caring for One Another